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VILLA DO SONGO is located in Tete province, in the Cahora Bassa district and it is where the head office of the company Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa is located. The lake,(or dam),with the power station and its five super turbines is approximately 6.2 miles from the village of Songo. Everything about the town is inextricably linked to the history of the gigantic dam. Cahora Bassa district is bounded to the north by Marávia district, to the west by Magoe district, to the south by Zimbabwe, to the east by Changara district, and to the northeast by Chiuta district. According to the 2007 census, the district has 89,956 inhabitants and covers an area of 10,598 km².The Straight Line Air Distance from Tete Mozambique to Songo Mozambique is 107.08 km.The Driving Distance from Tete Mozambique to Songo Mozambique is 132 km ( 82.02miles).When you get to Maroera,about 5km from Songo,you'll begin you ascent to villa do Songo .Driving in the mountains of Songo Cahora Bassa can be a wonderful and exhilarating experience .....You are driving up the narrow,winding well mantained road into VILLA DO SONGO.The first villa you'll get to after negotiating the precarious mountains is called Panganani,just a couple of huts only.After that you'll get to the ''real '' Songo itself and the first village you'll get to is Planalto.Planalto means ''Plateu''.So Songo is nestled in a beautiful plateu.FIND here photos up that scenic,dangerous road.


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