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Criminal case against Afonso Dhlakama?

The Mozambican police
on Tuesday afternoon the opening of a
criminal case against Afonso
Dhlakama and all members of
his party who were involved in shootings in Zimpinga area,
Gondola district, Manica
province. The announcement
of the criminal case against
Dhlakama and company was
made by Inacio Dina, spokesman of the General
Command of Police. Dina said
the process is justified by the
need to meet the authorities
responsible for the shooting
which killed the driver of the small truck that made the
Inchope-Chimoio route. "A
lawsuit was filed to clarify the
actual circumstances of the
incident" - Dina said,
explaining that at an early stage the process is against
Dhlakama and all members of
his Renamo party who were involved in
the shooting. These must be
heard by the police to ascertain
who really the shooter who killed the driver of the ''pick up truck". Then will open a
s pecific case against the
shooter, who should be
charged with voluntary manslaughter and the other will be charged with the
process that has to do with
creating unrest and public
disorder. "The leader of
Renamo is also part of that
the process. We are waiting for complete data to
know where is Dhlakama. If
you have some fear of the
populace,hand yourself ovee to the police because they are the one who can protect you
"- continued Dina. Asked to what entity the case had been
referred, Dina pure and simply
did not answer, but simply
reiterated that there is already
a process that runs in the
instances of law.

Deforestation-some of the causes-and the probable solutions

The initiative falls within the
framework of the national
strategy for reduction of deforestation
,emissions and forest
degradation called REDD

The need for reduction of
deforestation whose
causes are identified as as
shifting cultivation,legal as well as illegal lumbering, cutting of
firewood and charcoal
production,is a major concern. Paula Panguene, national coordinator of the
program, explained that the
northern and central regions
are those with the highest
rates in the country.
Now the implementation of two pilot projects, one in the
Quirimbas National Park and
another in Gilé park are aimed at reversing the scenario.

EMTPM transport crisis deepens in Maputo

The workers of the Municipal
Public Transport Company of Maputo (EMTPM),paralysed,
yesterday morning, their
passenger transport activities.
They demanded wage increase and an end to alleged unfair
discounts. The workers say the
company is paying wages with
an increase of 7.5 percent against the
10:59 determined by the
Government to the non- financial sectors of activity, as
is the case of EMTPM. During
the protests, workers on strike
wields brandished posters with
messages demanding the
resignation of the current management of the enterprise.
To prevent any vandalism, the
police was at the scene,
however, they did not prevent the
workers' protests in front of

Teaching quality is lacking in public schools

Schools sad, dull and with children who
will only attend classes because they
have feeding programs in school. This
is the scenario outlined by the Professor Hildizina Dias of most
schools visited as part of research on education that has been developing for
years. The academic and lecturer at the
Pedagogical University (UP spoke
yesterday at a conference on the
challenges of the process of teaching
and learning quality, which ends today in the delegation of the UP Quelimane.
With a vast work published on
education, Hildizina Dias even said it's
not just what is happening in primary
schools in the public sector. And he
asks: "Why is it that poor children have to be in schools without toilets? Many
schools I've seen in Niassa, Cabo
Delgado and Inhambane have
no bathrooms. And why is it that the
private schools have it all? Why is it
that the universities are concerned about investing in aluminum railing
and do not take this money to build
bathrooms in primary schools? "

The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Dunduro Silva, warned yesterday in Maputo, the political tension is retracting tourists and investments.

Dunduro argues that politicians should
understand each other to ensure the
stability of economic activity.

The Minister took advantage of the World Tourism Day to affirm that the
economy generated by tourism is at risk. " Disturbances retract investments,our call is that we to strive, as we have been doing, so theremust peace .We want the motto 'One billion opportunities and a billion tourists' to be a reality in our country, "said Silva Dunduro, who was speaking during the celebrations of World Tourism Day at the Crafts, Flowers and Food fair of Maputo (Feima) .

The governor of Maputo, Iolanda Cintura joined the Minister of Culture and added: "There is no point, after 40 years of our independence, of going backwards because they do not understand each other."

Raúl Castro may become the first Cuban president to visit Mozambique

President Filipe Nyusi invited, on
Friday, his Cuban counterpart Raul
Castro to visit Mozambique. The
invitation was addressed during the
meeting between the two statesmen,
held in New York at the headquarters of the United Nations (UN) on the sidelines
of the 70th summit of this organization
which ended yesterday. Nyusi's invitation does not advance any specific date
for the visit. If it occurs,it will be the first
of a Cuban president to Mozambique, despite the historical diplomatic
relations at various levels. During the
meeting, the United Nations, the two
statesmen reviewed the stage of
cooperation between the two countries,
dating from 1975. According to official sources, the Subject areas include
education, health, tourism and

Guebuza and Chissano advocate dialogue and inclusion

Former presidents of the Republic,
Armando Guebuza and Chissano,
are advocating dialogue among the main
political actors and inclusion of all
Mozambicans' ideas as solutions for
effective peace and development. These ideas have been presented,on Friday bh the
two elder statesmen who spoke on the
sidelines of the celebrations of the Day
of the Armed Forces of Mozambique
(FADM). With a speech focused
on criticism of his former political rival, Armando Guebuza considered that the
current problem of peace and
development in the country is in the
bellicose tendencies of Afonso
Dhlakama. "The warmongering
tendencies of Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama, influence national
development", accused Guebuza. The
former president called on the leader of
Renamo to embrace dialogue,
emphasizing the desire of
Mozambicans for peace, which involves the acceptance of the meeting with Filipe
Nyusi. "The Renamo president should
meet with our president (Filipe Nyusi),
present the problems he has and find
the ways that can bring real peace, so
that he can also make a contribution, not as a marginal who he seems to be when he refuses to talk to our president to solve
the problems this country has,
"Guebuza said, appealing to his former
election rival that he must not jeopardize
the future of millions of Mozambicans.

Nyusi in the United States says that there are people who have doubts about the electoral process

The president of the republic, Filipe Nyusi, noted in the US city of New York, the existence of instability focuses on Mozambique, but assured that the country is stable."Politically, the country is stable, despite threats. This  is destabilizing and violent a little
to economic development, "said the Head of State, speaking at a meeting held on Saturday, with the Mozambican
community resident in the United States
of America (USA) and Canada.
 In his brief comment on Friday's clashes in Manica between Renamo and some unknown gunmen.

The Head of State said that despite
these occurances, the country continues
to be stable and recommended continuing to invest in Mozambique.

RENAMO representative writes John Kerry

Dear Honorable US Secretary of state

I am writing this message as a citizen of
Mozambique and on behalf of other
millions of Mozambican, that can´t be
able to write for some reasons. As it is
known, Mozambique has since 1975
been governed and dominated by a Communist political party called Frelimo
which has ruled the country using fake
elections wrapped with frauds. The people of Mozambique want
democratic changes in Mozambique and
have been participating in elections
hoping that one day they could have a
true winner and finally a democratic
country, but that hope has always been wiped out by fraud. In Mozambique,
everything is partisan. The Mozambican
Army, police and other public agencies
are all working under Frelimo control
and in defense of Frelimo, and not in
defense of the people. There is no democracy in Mozambique. The opposition parties, like Renamo,
which is not in favor of Communism is
persecuted. For exemplo, Mr. Afonso
Dhlakama, President of Renamo
escaped from wto military ambushes
orchestrated by the Frelimo. Frelimo party and its leaders are intersted on
assassinating Dhlakama because he
speaks on behalf of the people. We need help, please! Frelimo is a threat
to the democracy, and is doing
everything it can to maintain itself as
the only active political party in
Mozambique. Many people trying to
contribute for democracy process are killed, such as the case of Professor
Gilles Cistac a French citizen who was a
Professor at Mozambican University and
who has been killed early this year
because of his opinions and ideas about
decentralization of government. Renamo has fought a war against
Frelimo during 16 years trying to finish
a one political party system in
Mozambique. Renamo signed accord to cease
hostilities in 1992 and in 1994 first
democratic election was held, but
Frelimo has being using Frauds since
then, as a mean to maintain itself on
the power. We believe that USA is a democratic country and do not support
communist ideologies. Therefore, on behalf of Mozambican
people and Renamo, I am asking help,
to see if US secretary of State can help
us to end political crisis in Mozambique. Best regards

Study confirmed the existence of sardines and horse mackerel in the Mozambican coast, for industrial fishing. Survey was conducted by the ship "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen" for the Fisheries Research Institute of Mozambique.

Maputo - The Mozambican government
disbursed in 2014, about $ 300,000 for research, along the coast,about the plenty of
fishing resources that can be leveraged
for industrial fishing. The research,
which was supported by the United Nations Food (FAO), held from
November 11 to December 2, 2014,
from Ponta de Ouro (the south) to the
Bay of Pemba, (north) and was carried
out by the research vessel "Dr. Fridtjof
Nansen". According to the national director of the Fisheries Research
Institute (IIP), Paula Santana Afonso, the
research did not involve the tuna
species. "We are creating partnerships
with FAO to share information initially processed here (in the country) and then the final analysis be made more
specific in laboratories to have conclusive
results," he said. The investigator for IIP, Rui
Mutombene,affirmed, "What we did on the cruise
was the collection of sediments of the
seabed and the answer will be given, of course, when these specific studies are
ready," he said. Santana Afonso
reiterated that the study confirmed the
existence of sardines and horse
mackerel in the Mozambican coast, for
industrial fishing. A similar study was conducted in 2007.

Cahora Bassa Dam under construction.

The dam began to fill in December 1974
after construction was commenced in
1969 by the Portuguese colonial government of Mozambique (Portugal), and is 171 metres (561 ft) high by 303
metres (994 ft) wide at the crest. Built
in the first half of the 1970s when
Mozambique was still a Portuguese
territory, long stretches of the power
transmission lines were sabotaged during 16 years of Mozambican Civil War which ended in 1992. The lake has reached a maximum
length and width of approximately 250
kilometres (160 mi) and 38 kilometres
(24 mi) respectively, flooding an area of
2,700 square kilometres (1,000 sq mi)
with an average depth of 20.9 metres

Girassol Gorongosa Safari and logde,Mozambique,AFRICA

The Girassol Gorongosa Lodge and Safari is located in the Sofala province, in the central area of Mozambique, at the south limit area of the Great African Rift Valley, within the 4000 km2 area of the Gorongosa National Park. The installations include bungalows and villas, a camping area, a restaurant, swimming pools, a gift shop, children area, multi-functional meeting room with a capacity up to 140 people, a vast network of trails for safaris, as well as walking areas and gardens. Gorongosa, which is a privileged destination for those who enjoy the natural life, is a region with a vast diversity of fauna and flora with unique environmental characteristics. Here is located the Girassol Gorongosa Lodge and Safari, which is committed to preserve the ecological integrity as well as the participation of the local communities.