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Dutch investment expands access to water

The Netherlands will invest 23 million dollars in the form of donation for the construction of additional infrastructure for water supply to the wide region of Maputo, which should serve the current 1.1 million consumers and other 650,000 people in 25 neighborhoods.

The funding was announced as part of the 40 years of cooperation in the water sector between Mozambique and the Netherlands, reported this month by holding various events, including a symposium under the theme "Delta Countries Preparing for the Future".

The project arises from the realization that, despite recent investments not all districts are covered, persisting challenges in terms of service in areas further north of the cities of Maputo and Matola.

According to a source from the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, in the face of this situation, it prepared a project aimed at improving the water supply conditions for the current 1.1 million consumers and increase the provision and access to services for more than 650,000 people living in more than 25 districts and urban settlements of Maputo city and province;that is residents of the districts of Matola-Gare, Nwamatibwana, Matlemele, Nkobe, Zimpeto, Mucatine, Boquisso, 1st May, Khongolote, Mualaze, Km 15, Ndlavela, Green Zone, Intaka, Cumbeza, Mali, Mumemo, District 1 and 2, Mapulango, Zintava, Marracuene village, Agostinho Neto, Abel Jafar, Guava, Mutanhana and Sun Coast, in the city of Maputo and surrounding areas.

The coverage of services will therefore,if all goes according to plans, grow by more than 26 percent in urban areas by 2019, thus fulfilling the goals of the Five-Year Plan of the Government of Mozambique.

The implementation of the project is assured from the donation of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency - ORIO and provides for the implementation of water supply infrastructure, including four distribution centers with a capacity of 2,500 cubic meters each in Matola-Gare, Matlemele, Guava and Marracuene, 200 kilometers of distribution network and installation of 20,000 new household connections.

An agreement for the project gross will be signed between the two countries on the 3rd of November in Amsterdam, Netherlands, within the framework of the visit of the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Bonete, to that country from day two. The visit comes as part of the celebrations of 40 years of cooperation between Mozambique and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

In the Netherlands, Carlos Bonete will participate in the International Water Week taking place from 2 to 6 November. On the other hand, during the stay in the Netherlands will be visited projects of infra structures resilient to floods and shared experience of this country in the field of water management.

Discussions under this componenet shall culminate with the signing of a memorandum for the training of Mozambican technicians in the amount of 3 million euros, through the program of the Netherlands for the Development NICHE capabilities (Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education ).

Accompanying the Minister on this visit will be senior cadres of the Water Sector in particular Suzana Saranga and Pedro Paulino.

"Mozambique lives an undeclared war situation"

Interview with Mozambican academic Lourenço do Rosário, one of the mediators who tried for months to bridge the gap between Renamo and the Government of Frelimo.

Lourenço do Rosário is rector of the Polytechnic University in Maputo .The Mozambican academic, Lourenço do Rosário is rector of the Polytechnic University in Maputo and one of two mediators in the ongoing negotiations to bring peace and understanding between the government of Frelimo and Renamo in the past two years.The other is the Mozambican Anglican Bishop,Dinis Sengulane.

None are official mediators because "there has never been official appointment of mediators," says Lourenço do Rosário in an interview with PUBLICO in Lisbon on the sidelines of the Second Conference on the Future of the Portuguese Language in the World System, where he was a participant on the first day.

"Renamo wanted to force the key, but the government found that the conditions for a mediator without dialogue were not exhausted." Renamo returned in recent days,and wants an external, independent mediatiors for effective dialogueu

But this dialogue is possible only after "both parties create conditions for Dhlakama to reappear freely in public life," says Lourenço do Rosário. What happened in Beira city when Dhlakamas residence was invaded and his guardsmen forcibly disarmed,he emphasized,was a provocative military operation. "Mozambique lives an undeclared war situation."

Betting on disclosure of laws to ensure their implementation.

The Dilemma of the effectiveness of the laws in Mozambique focuses on their weak disclosure, which contributes to they not being effectively implemented, said yesterday in Maputo, the academic Carlos Serra.

The lawyer, who spoke during the discussion seminar on the effectiveness of laws relating to environmental issues, maintains that it is not enough to have a good legal framework if it is not known who must implement the laws.

"There needs to be greater dissemination of the approved legislation, at all levels, to be better known and thus can then be implemented",he reiterated, and then noted that the second factor for failure in the effective and efficient implementation of laws has to do with its regulation.

According to Carlos Serra Jr., who is an adviser in the Ministry of Environment, there are delays in component regulation laws.However,Funds for disseminating the laws are not avaible.

Serra pointed out, however, that Mozambique has had some successes in spreading the laws, referring to the Land Law and the Family Law, which, according to him, had a positive impact in Mozambican society. "So we must consider how it led to greater awareness of these laws and do the same with other legislation, particularly laws related to natural resources."

In turn, the Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Legality, Edson da Graça Macuácua, said the central idea of ​​the seminar is to reflect on the legal effect of legislation passed by Parliament.

"We are empowering members to improve efficiency in the disclosure, regulation and enforcement of laws on the ground, as well as their implementation," said the President of the First Committee, for whom this is the first seminar of one cycle that will be taken out by the Commission in several areas. According to the chairman of this committee, during this meeting was chosen the area of ​​natural resources as they are the basis for development, provided their use is rational, to ensure that future generations enjoy their fruits.

More than five billion dollars have been invested by public and private sector in social and economic areas, since 1995 in the Maputo Development Corridor (MDC

More than five billion dollars have been invested by public and private sector in social and economic areas, since 1995, the Maputo Development Corridor (MDCThe coordinator of the Special Development Programme (PDE) , which protects the Mozambican development corridors, said the amount was applied in port rail infrastructure, road and energy and business projects in sectors such as industry, tourism and commercial farming .

"Despite the huge investment already made since it began implementing the concept of development corridors, the CDM( Corredor de Desenvolvimento de Maputo)still has a huge potential that can be tapped through public-private partnerships," said to the press, coordinator of PDE( Programa de Desenvolvimento Especial),Odete Semião,entity attached to the ministry of Transport and communications,on the sidelines of an investor conference in Maputo

Success in an unlikely trade:Young man BECOMES SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR.

A young man of 30 years has become a successful entrepreneur in Mozambique,and his type of business is of the strange sort.

Mfumo owns a small company that has innovated the food industry services in Maputo. With a fleet of bicycles,the entrepreneur makes food delivery to workers whose financial conditions do not allow them to eat in restaurants.

He studied and put into practice what he learned at school.To be an entrepreneur in Mozambique, according to Dita Mfumo,does not recquire a lot of money, it is just enough to know and study the market and implement the results of your study.

Today, the entrepreneur has a company called Taxo Espress that prepares and distributes food to workers whose financial conditions do not allow them to eat in luxury places.He has in total ten bicycles and a team of over twenty cyclists to deliver different parts of Maputo city.

Mfumo says the initiative also arises from the need to make this faster and more hygienic service. The entrepreneur says others should also start selling food in ways only directed for this purpose.He said the action would reduce food poisoning.

Three individuals caught in possession of human bones

Police in Massinga district stopped, last night, three individuals found in possession of human bones - allegedly of an albino person - which they wanted to sell in Cabo Delgado.

If true, it is the case to say that the hunting of people with albinism continues, and this time the playing field was the province of Inhambane, this time with a different "modus operandi".

According to police sources, the three individuals are engaged in the mining activity in the province of Cabo Delgado. They went to the Massinga district, where they exhumed the body of an albino man and took the bones, with the aim of selling them.

The Individuals had been informed of the existence of a grave where the remains of an albino lay,and the information was provided by a family of criminals, in the Malova region, Massinga.

Buchili confronted with complaints about crime in Nacala-porto

Residents of Nacala port(Nacala Porto)in Nampula, asked on Wednesday, the Attorney General of the Republic, Beatriz Buchili, to intervene and reduce the crime wave plaguing that city.

The complaints of the population were raised during a meeting between the prosecutor and the local authorities, to address the crime problem.

Some speakers deplored the behavior of some police officers, accusing them of releasing crimes suspects without any foundation.

"In some stations, we know and we can say that the police let loose criminals without any justification to the population therefore increasing the level of impunity that exists in Nacala-porto", denounced Luis Lucio.

Other speakers raised the issue of persecution of albinos, a phenomenon that in recent times has been reported in the province of Nampula and Nacala-porto in particular.

Nyusi :governance with less foreign currency

No remorse at all:Filipe Nyusi.
The President of the republic said yesterday that he has no remorse,but merely acknowledges that he assumed his governance during a period of bad forex, in a context where the metical tends to lose ground against the US dollar.

Filipe Nyusi added that the reduced availability of foreign currency is due to the reduction of external assistance to the country.

The presidential confession was virtually confirming the figures released this week by the Bank of Mozambique, marking a fall of 33.9% of the metical by September of this year.

"This reality can not put us in a desperate situation. This is about to challenge us - leaders, financial system and the country - to raise the indicators towards sustainable economic development, "advanced Nyusi in a speech commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Millennium Bim, a gala held in Maputo and attended the by leaders of public and private entities.

Even with the high level of weakening of the metical, the President considered that the performance of the national economy remains satisfactory.

The Head of Government appealed to the evolution of macroeconomic indicators to support his position: "Inflation remains low and controlled. In September, annual inflation was 2.7% against a target of the year of 5%. The (growth) of gross domestic product in the first half was 6.3%, although below 2014 levels, "but within the path consistent with the objectives for the full year 2015,of 7.5%".

Cholera outbreak killed three people and hospitalized 480 since September

With the current hot season and the arrival of the rainy season, Mozambique may face an outbreak of cholera.

The Ministry of Health says it has registerd cases above those estimated for the time before the arrival of the rainy season. Since September, the "disease of dirty hands" killed three people and a total of 479 were hospitalized nationwide. Most cases were diagnosed in Nampula province, particularly in the provincial capital (Nampula) and Malema district.

The health sector said, yesterday, in the usual briefing on the epidemiological situation, on the status of the cholera and found that Mozambique is on high alert. "We are on high alert status, because we already have cases of cholera in some provinces. Nampula, for example, has been declared cholera epidemic. We are certain that we must work more with sanitation issues of the environment and prevent more people from being infected with this type of disease, "said Benign Matsinhe, Deputy National Director of Public Health.

In Nampula, the Malema district is considered highly endemic, with 180 cases and three deaths, but is below the numbers recorded in the city of Nampula: 299 people in two months.

One dead, two injured in attempted kidnapping in Maputo

Maputo lived a moment of panic yesterday.Frustrated criminal action took the life of an innocent citizen and injured two other people.

The drama began some some time after 16:00 when three strangers tried to kidnap the owner of Socoal, a shop selling electrical goods and medical supplies located at the corner between the Guerra Popular avenues and Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo.

On site, the kidnappers fired more than five shots to create panic and take the victim easily.They shot dead the security guard who was on duty and also shot and injured a customer who was shopping.They ended up confusing the victim to be,namely the owner of the shop,and took the property manager.


Government defends creation of the Order of Nurses.

The MINISTER of Health, Nazira Abdula, defended yesterday in Maputo, the approval of the draft law establishing the Bar of Mozambique Nurses (OEMo), an institution that aims to enhance and dignify this class of health professionals.

The official position was expressed during a parliamentary hearing that Nazira Abdul had with the Committee on Social Affairs, Gender, Technology and Social Communication of the National Assembly, which served to clarify the deputies around the proposition.

At the time the holder of the portfolio of Health said that the government decided to agree to the proposal to create this advanced order by the sector on the grounds that the economic, social and political development of the country necessitates the involvement and accountability of all stakeholders in providing health care.

"According to the Five-Year Plan of the Government, the area of ​​health is one of the priority of state activity and it directly impacts on citizens," said the minister, and then defended the adoption of more consistent legal mechanisms to the new demands of society as regards the exercise of the nursing profession in Mozambique.

During the presentation of the document to members of the committee headed by Mrs Conceita Sortane, the Minister of Health said the proposal also aims to make the registration of nurses in the country at all levels, from basic to higher, recognize the professional nursing class, supervise its activities, ensure compliance with professional ethics and deontology, promote the training of nurses in the country, encourage the development of research in nursing and provide technical cooperation, as well as defending the class and encourage social support to this professional class.

In this context, it is proposed that the Order of Mozambican Nurses is a legal public entity independent of state bodies, representative of nurses, conducting themselves by their own standards and with legal administrative, financial, patrimonial, scientific personalities of their own.

For the Government, the creation of this order does not presuppose the dissolution of the National Association of Nurses and other professional association. "The big difference is that enrollment in the association is voluntary and the Order shall be compulsory", stressed the minister.

The draft law establishing the Bar of Mozambican Nurses states, moreover, that fundamental duties of nurses comply with the ethical standards governing the exercise of the nursing profession, maintain professional secrecy, participate in the Order's activities,defend the good name and prestige of the Order, act firmly, in all circumstances, to defend the collective interests, among others.

The document notes, moreover, that anyone can subscribe to OEMO be it Mozambican or foreigner, of basic, secondary or higher education, graduated in Nursing by training institutions duly recognized by the Government of the Republic of Mozambique.

In OEMO the various titles of nurses are recognized and its members are spread over several categories, namely full member, associate, trainee, honorary and collective member.

Before the hearing with the Minister of Health Committee on Social Affairs of RA met with representatives of the National Association of Mozambican Nurses, an organization that is behind the creation of this proposal. At the time the president of this college, Maria Olga Mucavele, welcomed the fact that Parliament is already working for the adoption of this device, stating that this instrument will elevate the class of nurses.

At the time the leader of ANEMO(National Association of Mozambican Nurses) expressed concern around a claim of the Government to see incorporated into the Statute of the Mozambique Nurses on the General Status of Health officials. "We believe that the Nurses Order of the Statute must be separate from Status General of Health officials because this organ comes to specific issues of a class that has high specificity, "explained Maria Mucavele.

Just yesterday several other committees made specific work, with emphasis on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Legality, which also focused on the proposed creation of the Order of Nurses, a document that will be debated in Parliament on Thursday.

For the AR(Assembly of the republic) specialty commission if it is a proposal that does not present unconstitutional vices or unlawful, then it should propose to the plenary of Assembly of the republic for its adoption, taking into account the improvements made to the original text by the different committees of the RA that technically analyzed the document of the Council of Ministers.

Malawi plans to close a refugee camp with 140 Mozambicans

The government of Malawi plans to close the refugee camp where there are 140 Mozambicans who fled the country this year, following recent clashes between the defense and security forces and Renamo, in Tete province.

These Mozambicans began to enter in Malawi in early July, when about 775 people sought refuge after alleged armed Renamo men had conducted two attacks in that part of the country.

"It was a joint decision between the UNHCR (United Nations High stablished COMMISSION for Refugees) and the Government of Malawi, through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that this new group could not go to the Luwani field for it is being closed ", explained Commissioner of Mwanza district, Gift Lapozo, to the" Voice of America ", quoted by Information Agency of Mozambique.

Malaria has killed more than 200 people since January in Zambezia province

Malaria remains the main cause of hospitalization in health units in Zambezia province. In the first nine months of this year, the disease killed 225 people, 24 cases less the number of deaths recorded during all of last year.

In 2014, more than 800,000 people were admitted to hospitals in Zambezia as a result of malaria.Of these, 249 died. From January to September of last year, more than 650 000 cases were recorded. While the numbers remain high, the data represents a decrease of deaths in about 17%. The health sector points out the difficulties of transitability to major health facilities in the province due to damage caused by heavy rains last season.

"We are saying that there are more people who contracted malaria in the first nine months of 2015. One of the contributions were to bad weather that damaged completely the access to roads, leaving a total of 70% of the province impassable. The situation prevented the use of circulating medium to transport medicines, mosquito nets to the health centers, and many hospitals closed because of rains "explained Filipe Vicente, head of public health department in the Provincial Health Directorate.

Maputo hosts international investors' conference

The Ministry of Transport and Communications reported that business owners should evaluate investment opportunities in projects of agriculture and agri-business sectors.

The capital of Mozambique hosts, on the 29th of current October, an international conference of investors, an initiative of the Ministry Transport and Communications which will focus on the development of the "Maputo Corridor".

The ministry said in a statement that through this conference, entrepreneurs will evaluate investment opportunities in projects in the sectors of agriculture and agro-business including the fresh market, the sugar can plantation of in Moamba and Magude, as well as the anchor project called Fattening unit - beef processing and its derivatives.

Mustang Resources buys stake to explore rubies in Mozambique

Australian Mustang Resources will buy a 80% stake in non-listed company, Montepuez Minerals, in terms of a contract already signed and published in Perth.

By purchasing the 80% stake, Mustang Resources now controls 64%, 56% and 56% in three rubies operating licenses, which together account for 15 800 hectares in Montepuez region of Cabo Delgado province, north of Mozambique.

Under the contract, the Mustang Resources has committed to make an initial payment of $ 1.5 million, with $ 150,000 in cash and the remaining share in the company's own shares.

The contract involves an additional payment of $ 2 million when they are extracted 500 carats of rubies and another 2.5 million, of which $ 750,000 in cash, after the extraction of 10,000 carats

Nyusi says dialogue with Renamo continues behind the scenes

The dialogue between the government and Renamo continues to progress, but this time out of the press and the public.

"We are not sleeping, things are happening," said the Head of State, speaking to the press in South Africa, which supports the integration of new actors in the dialogue, to avoid polarization of the debate on the main issues of the country.

"Maybe that's the flaw that is not helping much to get out of it, because it creates owners (dialogue). There should not be owners in this process and people are waiting for a group to solve or resolve to see good or bad, "he said. The President confirmed that it has received two letters from bishops of the Catholic Church, one sent by Cardinal Julio Langa and another signed by four bishops, sent from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Beira, to propose ways forward for the pacification of the country.

ISAURA NYUSI:It's time to put an end to early marriages

The FIRST LADY of the Republic, Isaura Nyusi, said it was important that Mozambicans act energetically in the fight against early marriages, given the consequences that the practice is in the lives of victims, with particular emphasis on the girl.

Nyusi expressed this concern at the Health Sciences Institute of Chimoio, where she met with women from Chimoio district at the end of a three-day working visit last week made to the province. At the time Isaura Nyusi maintained that early marriages call into question the future of girls, arguing that this is a nation wide issue whose solution should be the responsibility of all segments of society, who fit the task of raising awareness among promoters to the urgent need for change in mentality.

Despite the efforts undertaken by government authorities in the emancipation of women in Mozambique, Isaura Nyusi said cases of girls who drop out of school to meet forced marriages still persist, often supported by their own parents, a situation which obstructs the future of this vital segment the in country's development.

"We must act quickly against these practices in order to insure the future of girls so that they can have academic training and thus contribute to social and economic growth of the country," said the First Lady of the Republic, noting that greater focus should be given to parents,who are considered the main promoters of the phenomenon.

At the event were reaveled some of the causes that are behind the early marriages, most of which are of economic and financial context. In fact, some participants at the meeting accused many that many parents prefer "to sell their daughters" charging exorbitant amounts to in-laws as a way to seek to get rid of the poverty problem that they have.

Isaura Nyussi considers early marriages as a phenomenon whose combat should be without complacency, drawing attention to the need for this task from the family and then reach all segments of society and should not be only mothers and girls.She highlighted the key role that mothers have been playing in the protection of girls in their involvement in early marriages, often at war with their parents, instead of bringing up their daughters prefer to get them into early,often promiscuous,marital unions.

Another factor identified and considered stimulating for early marriages is the proliferation of immoral soap operas and movies that are aired on most TV channels, just Agnes Rosse, a teacher with over 50 years of age,said.For her soap operas that are displayed stimulate prostitution, sexual promiscuity and contribute to early marriages, especially in urban areas, where the assimilation of Western cultural habits has led to an adverse effect on social morality that is intended to be built in the country.

In a message presented at the meeting, women of Manica welcome the development of the situation in the province. "We women in Manica province welcome the efforts undertaken by government authorities in the empowerment of women and, through it,came to be no exclusive space for men,and man and woman can cohabit in a professional relationship.That's where we can see women operate tractors, become drivers and giving their contribution to the country's growth, "said the women of Manica, in a message presented to the First Lady. In the city of Chimoio, last leg of her trip to Manica, Isaura Nyusi visited the Provincial Nursery,at the Centro de Saúde 1.º de Maio and inaugurated the local maternity, which will be a model with respect to humanized deliveries, under a project which is being implemented with funding from the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

Diarrea caused nearly 400 deaths in the country.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that between the 1st of January to September of this year, diarrheal diseases killed a total of 388 people in the country.

During the same period were registered in the country a cumulative total of 568,464 cases and 388 deaths (case fatality rate 0.07%) against 524 949 cases and 295 deaths (case fatality rate 0.06%) in 2014.
Increase in the number of deaths may be related to malnutrition or diarrhea through immunodeficiency.
With regard to children under five years, in 2015 there were a cumulative total of 285,869 cases and 172 deaths (case fatality rate 0.06%), compared with 271 034 cases and 159 deaths (case fatality rate 0.06%) in 2014, representing a reduction both in the number of cases and an increasing number of deaths (8.2%). The Tete, Cabo Delgado, Niassa, Zambezia, Nampula and Sofala, Gaza and Maputo have registered an increase in the number of diarrhea cases.

According to the Minstry Of Health was a few cases of cholera were confirmed in the province of Nampula (Nampula City and Malema District) and Niassa Province (Cuamba district, Mecanhelas and Lake).

However, under the new rules and procedures for elaborate outbreak declaration according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, these sporadic cases of cholera are insufficient for epidemic declaration in these provinces

19 year old caught red handed with human head.

A 19-year-old is in the hands of the police in Morrumbene district in Inhambane province, after being caught red handed with a human head.

MAPUTO - According to Jornal Domingo the alleged young offender was neutralized on Thursday, around 17 hours, with the head of a child of about eight years,gushing out blood in a plastic bag.

The young man said he had been contacted telephonically by a supposed businessman who wanted to buy a human head, preferably a child under ten years.These contacts that had been made over the past two weeks. Incidentally, the alleged mastermind of the crime,the entrepreneur,does not live in the Inhambane province.

On Tuesday last week he called the young man, now in the hands of the authorities,saying he was present in the province and affirming his willingness to for pay a human head.

Fiilipe Nyussi's visit to SA:Free entry visas for Mozambicans into S/Africa extended from 30 to 90 days as from June 2016.

THE governments of Mozambique and South Africa are working on Ressano Garcia border pass to run 24 hours a day to further facilitate the movement of people and goods in what is the main and the busiest border crossing between the two countries.

The decision was made by the Presidents of the two countries during Philip Nyusi's state to South Africa last week,at the invitation of his counterpart, Jacob Zuma.

At the first meeting of the Binational Commission realised in Pretoria,the two presdents guided their executives that as soon as they complete the paperwork,the time of validity of the entry visa exemption for citizens of both countries, in force since the 2005 agreement , pass the current 30 to 90 days.

All these measures were announced at the meeting that President Nyusi had with the Mozambican community in South Africa, the largest in the diaspora.These measures should come into force from June next year. About 400,000 Mozambicans live in the "land of the rand", of which close to 40 000 work in the mines and the remaining in other sectors, particularly agricultural production.

Speaking at the meeting, Philip Nyusi said the measures taken by the Binational Commission, a platform that opens a new cycle in cooperation with South Africa, a strategic partner, must be inserted into the commitments of the governments of both countries to precisely identify and seek solutions to problems and challenges that affect communities of the two countries and facilitate their lives and activities.

Under the Government's efforts to address the concerns of the communities in the Diaspora, since February this year were issued 33 555 travel documents and about three thousand biometric dentity cards (ID) biometric to Mozambicans in South Africa.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Oldemiro Baloi, explained at the time that it was not the South African Government nor the Mozambican gorvenment that decided to end the emergency travel documents and the old passports, but that it was an "international decision''

"Any document that is not biometric is not acceptable anywhere in the word, not in Mozambique," Balói said, urging Mozambicans to join this passport and biometric identity card ''treatment'' process that is being carried out by brigades moved to the neighboring country. The process covers the Mozambican community in the diaspora.

Unconfirmed reports indicate that from November South African authorities may stop accepting temporary passports, aka boder passes. The situation worried many Mozambicans who use this emergency document to travel to both countries. Beyond the question of documentation, Mozambicans in South Africa complain of pensions framework for miners, the unfair forex rate to which they are subject, and less professional actions of some agents of Customs and the Police in the country, especially during festive seasons.

"The police are not for bothering, they are for helping citizens," said the president, who also referred to the exchange problem considering that it is well underway at the banking level so that Mozambicans in South Africa do not suffer disappointment.

Journalists win battle for access to information,but fail to win the war

In November 2014, the National Assembly approved the Right to Information Law and in the second week of October 2015 the government approved its regulations.

Journalists opened bottles of champagne in celebration of victory.The Right to Information act acknowledges the existence of classified information and state secrets, of Justice or Confidential nature that journalists can't seek to obtain by persuasion,entreaty, or formal application from the public or private bodies.

Mozambique has a long history of secrecy and censorship of information. Since colonial times was created the culture of secrecy.There is much information in the public interest that grows in hearts and drawers of state officials or private institutions that holders consider as ''state secrets''.The limitation of providing information to journalists worsened in the last three years in Mozambique.

Seven robbers arrested by police in Maputo

Seven youths aged between 24 and 34, allegedly belonging to two gangs that were engaged in raids in several districts of Maputo city and province. The first group of five young men was detained by police on the outskirts of the capital, after having committed an assault,in which they allegedly took about two million meticais from informal money changers in Ressano Garcia, in Maputo province. The group in question used two weapons - a pistol and AK47 - which are now in the hands of the police. Part of this group is a young man who had been arrested in January and charged with kidnapping, but later escaped from the Civil Prison in the city of Maputo. Another group of two young men armed with machetes was neutralized in the neighborhood Hulene by the population during a robbery, and one of the elements escaped lynching thanks to the prompt intervention of the police.