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Not satisfied- presdent Nyusi

"We are still not satisfied with our state of the nation".

With these words Philip Nyusi introduced his first annual report on the overall situation of the nation.

The feeling of dissatisfaction is not unique to the President:millions of Mozambicans experience the uncertainties of peace and troubled economic times.

The merit is that everyone is recognizing that there is still much to be done and that the path remains long and winding.

"We would be very content if we could definitively solve the basic problems of poverty,exclusion and peace",he said,reproducing the words from his 15 January 2015 inauguration speech.

Even without attempting to justify,Nyusi did not escape trying to list the factors which,in his view,conditioned the performance of the economy.

Floods and flooding in the center and north of the country in the first months of the year,which forced the downward revision of GDP growth from 7.5% to 7%.

The Government had to prioritize the normalization of life of the affected families,as well as reconstruction of damaged infrastructure such as roads,
bridges and power transmission stations.

In the Centre and North were the
floods that laid down close to 73 000 hectares of crops in the south was the drought that devastated 64,000 hectares and about 494,000 cattle.


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