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LAM opens Gaza airline ticket office

Agreement between LAM and the Mozambican Post Office
It is now possible to buy air tickets from the Mozambique Airlines (LAM) from Gaza province, with the opening of a sales unit in Xai-xai city yesterday. This is an old idea, which today is materialised through a partnership with Correios de Moçambique, whose focus is to cover several other points in the country. The ticket sales unit was inaugurated by Gaza's Gov. Stella Zeca.
The agreement that symbolised the partnership was initialed yesterday in Xai-Xai City between the representatives of the two companies, namely the Chairman of the Executive Committee (PCE) of LAM, António Pinto, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the Correios de Moçambique, Valdemar Jessen.
In light of the agreement, the Mozambican Post will facilitate the sale of air tickets from the city of Xai-xai, capital of the province of Gaza, one of several points in the country where access to an airplane ticket required a trip to Maputo , Further increasing travel costs.
"We are certain that conditions are now in place for residents of Gaza province to purchase tickets at Xai-xai, going to Maputo just to make the flight and not to buy the ticket, return to Gaza and return to Maputo to do the Travel, "said LAM's PCE, while the PCA of the Correios de Moçambique assured its institution's commitment to guarantee a" work of excellence "in this area.
For the Governor of Gaza, the offer of LAM services is an important factor for the tourist attraction for the province, although an airport is not yet installed.
"With this store, it will be very easy to make our tourist and economic potential much more valued. But we know that LAM is directly or indirectly linked to airports, and an airport is still a great dream for us and we believe that what happened today indirectly reinforces our hope of having an airport here in Gaza.
The partnership between LAM and Correios de Moçambique is an initiative that seeks to cover all points in the country where it is not possible to purchase products and services from the national air carrier. Already in the coming weeks, more units like this will be opened in the Center and North.

posted from Bloggeroid


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