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Mozambique: Traffic restrictions on National Road number 1 as rehabilitation takes place.

There is Traffic restriction on National Road number 1 (EN1),  for rehabilitation and expansion works on that highway .

A statement from the National Road Administration (ANE) states rehabilitation work on the highway  may go on  for a full  quarter of year and will be realized in the regions of Quinta Girassol and Nicoadala, up to the headquarters of the Namacurra district.

The good side according to some motorists is  that alternative detours will improve traffic management and flow.

The rehabilitation of the Quelimane / Namacurra section, covering 70 kilometres, consists of widening the current nine meters to twelve meters in width.

Rádio Moçambique 

Sofala. More than 500 families evacuated from Caia due to threat of flooding

As  a consequence of discharges  of  Lake Cahora Bassa  on the Zambezi river in Tete Province, more than five hundred riverine familes in the district of Caia, in Sofala,  have been evacuated due to the threat of flooding.

 Residents voluntarily left the flood prone areas on advice from the local authorities.

Peasants cultivatin the banks of the Zambezi river's small islands, which are always affected by the waters are
among the evacuees.

According to the administrator of Caia, Nobre dos Santos, the district is on red alert and everything is being done to  prevent the loss of human lives.

Source: Rádio Moçambique 

Mozambique: Prawns fishing closed for four months

The Mozambican government has imposed a closed season for prawns fishing from 01 November to 14 March next year.

The closed season covers five zones. The first is the Sofala Bank, which includes the provinces of Sofala, Zambézia and Nampula, in the central and northern region of the country.

The second zone includes Maputo Bay, the third the mouth of the Limpopo River, which goes as far as town of Quissico, Zavala district, in Inhambane province in the southern region of the country.

In view of the pressure in Inhambane, the government has decided to extend the closed season for the entire province.

According to the General Director of the National Fisheries Administration, at the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), Cassamo Júnior, the closed fishing season is intended to enable the reproduction of fish species.

“As for prawns fishing, we will impose a closed season for industrial and semi-industrial fishing starting on 1 November and ending on 31 December and from 1 January until 14 March we will impose a closed season for industrial and semi-industrial surface prawns, said Júnior to a Maputo press on Friday.

The closed also includes artisanal fishing, but does not prevent fishing other marine species.

‘It must be clear that we are not banning fishing activity. Fishermen who use trawls nets cannot fish, if they want to fish they can use another fishing gear,” he warned.

For mangrove crabs, Matsinhe explained that the closed season starts from 01 November to the 31st of December of 2022.

“The closed season for mangrove crabs fishing will last two months, and on January 1, 2023, fisherman will be allowed to resume fishing”, Matsinhe assured.

Matsinhe explained that the northern province of Cabo Delgado is exempt from a closed season because recent studies carried out in the region have shown that there is no need so far.

In terms of catch volumes industrial and semi-industrial and artisanal fishing managed to reach 5,727 tonnes of prawns in 2022 down from 5,901 tonnes in 2021, a negative variation of 200 tonnes.

According to the source, was due to the low operability of the fleet and increase of fuel price.

Fishing of mangrove crabs show a one per cent increase from 6,900 tonnes in 2021 to 7,000 thousand tonnes in 2022.

In another development, Matsinhe warned companies to declare their production by 31 October, otherwise they risk to be banned.

To boost security, Matsinhe said, besides satellite surveillance, the authorities have set up multisectorial teams, made up of technicians from the National Marine Institute (INAMAR), the Coastal, Lake and River Police; the Navy; and the municipal police, to prevent the sale of prawns during season.
Source: AIM 

Japan donates ambulances to Mozambique

Photo: Twitter / @The Japanese government on Friday donated three ambulance to Mozambique aimed at improving provision of emergency health care in the northern provinces of Niassa, Nampula and Cabo Delgado.

The donation is part of the project to strengthen integrated services of sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence for displaced girls and women, as well as host communities.

Speaking during the ceremony, Health Minister Armindo Tiago said that Japan is a key and long-standing development partner of the Mozambican government, highly committed in supporting programmes that seek the social well-being of the Mozambican people.

According to Tiago, the health sector is among those that have benefited from Japan’s support, and this Friday’s donation is a clear indication.

“We are talking about the donation of vehicles to three provinces in the north of the country, affected by terrorism, which will contribute not only for the expansion and supply of vital sexual and reproductive health services, but also to respond to gender-based violence,” he explained.

Tiago recalled that lately the country has been ravaged by calamities and disasters, including cyclones, tropical storms and floods, terrorist attacks and the Covid-19 pandemic.

All these factors, the minister added, “force us to adapt our interventions to provide assistance to the populations that are often displaced, increasing demand in places not previously foreseen and also reducing our assistance capability in those areas affected by insecurity and destruction of infrastructures”.

He assured that the government will continue to work with its partners to ensure coverage of the needs in terms of ambulances for effective operation of referral and counter-referral of patients.

For his part, the Japanese ambassador Kimura Hajime said that his country has been working with the Mozambican government to mitigate the suffering of the people.

Therefore, he believes that the ambulances donated today will improve services rendered the displaced people in the northern part of the country.

“We are convinced that, with these vehicles, we are minimising the suffering of the close to a million displaced people, guaranteeing better and timely medical care”, he explained.

He announced that another 28 new ambulances are in the process of being imported, financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Source: AIM

Zambézia: Lion on the loose, No Harm done.

Calm returned to the district of Mulevala, in Zambézia, after the passage of a lion  created panic in that region of the country 

 Almeida Canjilua, the he leader of the village of Merca, in the district of Mulevala, Almeida   Canjilua, told Rádio Moçambique that since last week the animal had not been seen again  and it is assumed that it went to Gilé National Park.

The lion did not cause human harm, having only attacked and devoured livestock.

National Park of Gilé  conservation area does not have lions therefore the authorities will investigate how the big cat got there.

 The administrator of the Gilé National Park, Joao Muchanga says that it's the possible that the Lion may have come from  other provinces in the country.

However  two years ago, according to Muchanga , a lion was spoted near the headquarters of the Gilé National Park. (RM)João

Covid-19 :So far More than 3 million adolescents and young vaccinated.

More than three million adolescents and young people in the country have already been covered by the campaign to administer the first dose of the vaccine against the new coronavirus strain.

Director of the Extended Vaccination Program at the Ministry of Health released Thursday data pertaining to the same.

Leonildo Nhampossa said there was a strong adherence of the target group to the vaccination process against covid-19.

The nationwide first dose vaccination campaign for adolescents and young people against COVID-19 is expected to end  this coming week . (RM)

Government reiterates payment of the Single Salary Table in 28 days

 The Minister of Economy and Finance, Max Tonela, reiterated, this Friday, the availability of resources for the implementation of the Single Salary Table (TSU).

Tonela was speaking after the approval of the new Single Salary Table by the Assembly of the Republic.

It should be noted that the approval of the revision of Law No. 5/2022 was by consensus.

The Assembly of the Republic (AR) approved, by consensus, the Single Salary Table (TSU), Law  No 5/2022 that defines salaries for members of public bodies and holders and members of the bodies of the Administration of Justice. (RM)

Country. Resumption of process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Renamo armed men

In the coming days, the process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Renamo armed men (DDR) will resume in the country.

The guarantee comes from the President of the Republic and the President of Renamo, who reiterate that the DDR process will be completed by the end of the year.

Filipe Nyusi and Ossufo Momade gave the guarantee at a meeting held this Friday, in which the issue of DDR was addressed, as well as issues related to the form and sustainability of the application of pensions and the framework in the Police of the Republic of Mozambique.

In a statement, the Personal Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Mozambique and President of the Contact Group, Mirko Manzoni, says that Nyusi and Momade also reaffirmed their dedication to prioritizing dialogue as the foundation for building lasting peace.

“As the United Nations, we stand together with the Mozambican people to ensure that the country remains on the right path to achieve definitive peace and national reconciliation for the benefit of all,” the document reads. (RM)

Forty illegal immigrants held in Tete

Immigration authorities in Tete province hold forty foreigners for illegal immigration.

 Sixteen Bengali and Pakistani nationalities, stopped in a truck transporting coal, at the checkpoint Cruzamento 18, on the outskirts of Tete city,on national road number seven (EN7).

The other group of twenty-four Malawian citizens was neutralized this Friday, at the residence of a national citizen in the Mpaduè neighborhood, in the city of Tete.

The spokeswoman for the provincial Migration Directorate of Tete, Amélia Direito, classifies the situation as worrying.

In connection with the cases, two nationals are detained for the crime of facilitating illegal immigration: a driver  and a citizen, who would have welcomed the group of twenty-four Malawians at her residence.

PRM spokesman Feliciano da Câmara encourages the population to denounce to the authorities, taking into account the situation of terrorism in the country. (RM)

PR guarantees that by next December the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Renamo residual men will be completed

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, guarantees that by next December the process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Renamo residual men (DDR) will be completed.
Filipe Nyusi revealed that so far 4,000 guerrillas of the 5,201 registered in the process have been demobilized.

Speaking at Praça dos Heróis Mozambicans, in Maputo, at the central ceremonies of the thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the General Peace Agreement, Nyusi said that the path to lasting peace is open.

“Here we must confess that the climate that is experienced in towns, villages, in the localities with our Renamo brothers is satisfactory, it is gratifying and we continue to see each other as one body. 

We hope that by the end of this year we will be able to complete the DDR process, which will mark a milestone in the implementation of the Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement. We take the opportunity to thank our cooperation partners, at various levels, who, with their invaluable support, contribute to achieving this goal”, he said.

The Mozambican statesman added that the Government will do everything to guarantee coexistence and respect for differences.

Country records first case of monkeypox

The country registers the first case of monkeypox.

The disease, whose main symptoms are fevers, intense headache, inflamed lymph nodes and skin spots, was diagnosed this Wednesday in Maputo province.

The case was diagnosed in a male, who is currently in a stable clinical condition, as announced by the Minister of Health.

“The case presented itself on October 4th with fever, skin lesions and a history of recent international travel. The sample was collected on the same day and taken to the National Institute of Health where the diagnosis was confirmed by the PCR technique. The case is currently in isolation in the health unit, as we mentioned, presenting a satisfactory state of health ", he said.

 Armindo Tiago calls for calm and the observance of measures to contain the disease and ensures the readiness of the health sector for the rapid screening of the disease.

“Despite this announcement, we must remain  calm because monkeypox disease has actually spread to all continents and, as we said, is more common in the American, European and African continents. We, as a sector, will intensify the epidemiological surveillance of the disease, combined with the readiness of our sector to ensure that we quickly have the diagnosis of suspected cases ", he said.

Across the country, until this Wednesday, forty-nine suspected cases of monkeypox had been tested. 

Source Rádio Moçambique