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Forty illegal immigrants held in Tete

Immigration authorities in Tete province hold forty foreigners for illegal immigration.

 Sixteen Bengali and Pakistani nationalities, stopped in a truck transporting coal, at the checkpoint Cruzamento 18, on the outskirts of Tete city,on national road number seven (EN7).

The other group of twenty-four Malawian citizens was neutralized this Friday, at the residence of a national citizen in the Mpaduè neighborhood, in the city of Tete.

The spokeswoman for the provincial Migration Directorate of Tete, Amélia Direito, classifies the situation as worrying.

In connection with the cases, two nationals are detained for the crime of facilitating illegal immigration: a driver  and a citizen, who would have welcomed the group of twenty-four Malawians at her residence.

PRM spokesman Feliciano da Câmara encourages the population to denounce to the authorities, taking into account the situation of terrorism in the country. (RM)


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