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Ambushed,Afonso Dhlakama

"I am a general and military, that was an ambush planned'',he said at a press conference. Afonso Dhlakama,president of Renamo,Mozambique's main opposition party was talking about the attack against him and his entourage that occurred on Saturday night in Manica province. "It was the Frelimo [Liberation Front of Mozambique] ", Dhlakama told reporters in Chimoio, capital of Manica more than four hours after the attack, which resulted in at least seven wounded, three from Renamo and four of the alleged attackers. The Renamo president established a relationship between the time of the attack and the fact that it had happened one kilometer kilometre after they had passed some law enforcement officials,''I am suggesting that it was these that gave the notice to the passage of the opposition party column''.At the press conference, Dhlakama said the dark night did not allow them to see clearly their attackers though the military of his party have assigned the ambush to authorship of the men of Unit of Rapid Intervention (UIR) and journalists have observed the wounded in uniforms of this Mozambican elite force. The president of Renamo also said of the incident ,"It is going to be like nothing has happened'',referring to the long standing dialogue with the government and that it could continue and that he did not fear death.He warned that the Frelimo implementation could turn against it itself."If I had caught the shots and died, you[reporters] would take part in a funeral and enter a worse rascal than Dhlakama'',he said.He also stressed that men from his party would have taken his leadership position. Relating to his attempted elimination by his opponents with "thought the communists of the 70s'',the political leader recalled that the first president of Renamo was shot down in 1979 and that "there appeared a Dhlakama more dangerous than the [André]Matsangaíssa''.He said that''this strategy is bad for Frelimo ", which considered him as someone who"negotiates, forgives and tolerates''.He said he could also''attack Frelimo in 24 hours,destroy everything, and make Frelimo lose all''.Dhlakama recalled that he had already been under attack previously, the last of which was in 2013 in Santungira, Gorongosa, and that it had not stopped him from negociating. " Dialogue will not stop. The long standing talks in Maputo are not just''for shaking hands'' with the President of the Republic to say that there is stability in Mozambique. As president of Renamo, availability to negotiate depends on talking about the future of Mozambique as Mozambican,about things concrete and not play with Frelimo". A car caravan that followed the Renamo president Afonso Dhlakama, was attacked at the start of Saturday night in the province of Manica,but the opposition leader was unhurt. The attack happened along the river Boamalanga,when Dhlakama's entourage was returning from a rally in Macossa and headed for Chimoio,capital of Manica. After the attack, and in the face of the threat of a second ambush, Afonso Dhlakama, who led personally split the guard.He ordered an escort of his caravan for the remaining 15 kilometers to Chimoio. Mozambique lives moments of political uncertainty,with Renamo leader not recognizing the results of the last general election and demanding governance in the provinces where he claims victory and threatening to seize power by force.


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