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Unknown individuals exhume albino corpse from grave in Quelimane city

Unknown individuals exhumed in the early hours of Thursday,the
body of an albino in the Mariana Cemetery,located in Micajune ,outside Quelimane city

The fact shocked people living
nearby and others who visited that location.Evildoers vandalized the grave,opened and removed the body from the coffin and left the corpse on the ground uncovered-and bare.

The brother of the ill- fated, confirmed that his sister had skin pigmentation problems.

He explained that his sister died recently,that is,late last month, which means that the family is still grieving.

"We heard only talk about the
situation that albinos are facing in other provinces.Our fear was that it would spread to our province.

We can not accept to live in this
situation, so we are asking that
justice is done, "said a woman
at the site.

The police were called and conducted expert work on site. Moments later,came the medical team to determine if there has been
extraction of body organs.

The medical team did not detect any abnormality in the body of the ill-fated.


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