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Adolescente commits suicide while parents are in South Africa

Suicides are on the rise in Inhambane this week.For example, there were two suicides in Funhalouro district, whose victims are a pregnant woman and a teenager of fourteen. According to Radio Mozambique,the teenager who attended eighth grade in high school Graça Machel of Funhalouro, lived alone, his parents are in South Africa.It is assumed that the lack of food and school attendance, would have taken the minor to take his own life.By the way to ensure his survival, the deceased was obliged to perform certain activities in exchange for money.The police district commander in Funhalouro, Pedro Matuso Massingue lamented,calling the population to not resort to suicide in the event of any disruption in life. Statistics indicate that only this year,in Funhalouro district, about ten people were took their own lives by hanging.


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