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Residence abandoned:AFONSO DHLAKAMA

Afonso Dhlakama left the residence of
the Palmeiras neighborhood in the city
of Beira, where his men were disarmed,according to Folha de Maputo.According to Folha de Maputo , Dhlakama continues in Beira, but did not disclose the place he is at, leaving his disarmed men of his party to be integrated into protection unit of leading figures. It is recalled that the Forces of Rapid intervention Unit (FIR) and the Special Operative Group (GOE) invaded the leader of Renamo's home 10 days ago and disarmed his men. As the report of the weekly dossier and Facts,(DOSSIER E FACTOS)published in Maputo, Afonso Dhlakama has abandoned the residence in Palmeiras after the invasion and disarmament of his guards.


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