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More than 400 arrested for poaching

From 2014 to date at least 434 people were arrested in Mozambique as a result of poaching.

Poaching, a phenomenon that seems to have taken deep root in the country, was examined today at the 39th session of the Council of Ministers.

According to the government spokesman, Mouzinho Saide, of the 434 people, 158 were held in 2014 and the other 276 this year.

Poaching is motivated by the large sums paid by buyers and in this game have been used large- caliber weapons, including weapons of war such as the AK-47, often with forged documents and altered registration numbers, explained Saide, speaking at a briefing at the end of the session.

According to data presented at the time by the spokesman, this year were seized 75 kg of rhino horns and 1124 kg of raw ivory, having been destroyed by incineration, 1935 kg of rhino horns and 2199 kg of raw ivory as well as 236 kilograms of worked ivory. Later this year were removed 5,110 traps, used by hunters in their actions, and seized 55 firearms.


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