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Mugabe reads wrong speech yet again

Victoria Falls-Zimbabwe’s President
Robert Mugabe has once again read out a wrong speech.

The incident ongoing at the time of writing occurred during his party’s annual conference in the resort town.

This is the second time the Zimbabwe Head of State has blundered before the cameras and comes after he this year read a wong state-of-the-nation address at the end of August when he was heckled by MPs.

His spokesman back then defended him saying that the error was because of a mix-up in the president’s secretarial office.

But this time Mr Mugabe caused jaws to break suddenly across Zimbabw when he fumbled again retreating from his prepared speech right before the big crowd.

As he opened the speech,he read it saying“I would like to welcome
you to this central committee meeting of our 15th conference then said, “ahhhhhh this is wrong.”He then instantaneously looked aside,and while fidgiting,tried to read again.

He then repeatedly read out the very same content,shortly before quitting and soon started speaking off his head.

We know an explanation shall be given to the press in typical Zanu Pf fashion.Mugabe is the oldest serving leader in Africa.

Many question the state of his health,hinting that the older statesman may be sick.In fact, old people haven't that much vigour to gorven a struggling country like Zimbabwe.Soon somebody has to replace Mugabe as the presdent of Zimbabwe and only then shall these Mugabe comedies come to an end.


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