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Mass grave for the fuel thieves of Matola

Fuel theft in Matola

With no one to claim any of the corpses of the thieves who died in a blaze while trying to steal fuel at a Matola granary,the target could be no other.

The deadline set by the Ministry of Health had already been exceeded.

The five bodies unclaimed victims of the fire in the Matola Grain Terminal were buried in a Mass Grave in Lhanguene cemetery in Maputo. The Health Directorate of Maputo said that the bodies were almost a month in the morgue of the Maputo Central Hospital, and they could not be kept longer, have as their destination the Lhanguene cemetery.

"The standard is that the bodies remain a minimum of 15 days in the mortuary, pending by the complaint. These bodies entered on December 15 and on January 11 were referred to the mass grave. They were 28 days in the morgue, "said the chief doctor of the city of Maputo, Laison Daniel.


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