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Minister of defence assures that the attack on RENAMO SG WILL BE CLARIFIED

Minister of Defence assures that attack on Renamo SG will be clarified .

The Minister of National Defence ensures that the defense and security forces will do everything to clarify the circumstances of the attack on the deputy and General Secretary of Renamo, Manuel Bissopo.

Athanasius Mtumuke, who was speaking on Wednesday , on the sidelines of the ceremony of the launch of the internet portal of the former Head of State, Armando Guebuza, said he accompanied the information about the attack to the number two of the second largest opposition party by media and can not give great reviews since he still had little information.

"First we need to know who are the authors of the act. We only know that there were gunshots, knowing the circumstances in which this has occurred, "said Mtumuke.


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