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Reinforced security measures for cars accessing Port of Beira in Sofala.

Reinforced security measures for cars accessing Port of Beira in Sofala.

The Command of the PRM the Provincial, has just established a police station near Rua Gruss Gomes as a measure to stem the tide of of thefts of trucks seeking access to the rail and port enclosure.

Vehicle robbery and theft of fuel and other types of diverse merchandise in trucks that at grounds of Beira port is a stark reality that even happens in broad daylight.

The subject is not only concern for carriers but also concerns the government.
Less than a half weeks, the Ministers of Interior and of Transport and Communications visitor Beira in order to see this issue resolved.

At this time, the solution seems to be in the view with the just been installed police station reinforceing the presence of the law enforcement agents in the neighborhood of Munhava in Kruss Gomes Street main section giving access to the port of Beira in perspective to contain the activities of criminals.

The police post set up this tent already started to operate and the police says they are already having results.

An individual 40 years of age fell into hands of the law and order agents when trying to rob one of the trucks. The indicted refutes the charge.
The port of of Beira receives daily an average of two thousand trucks coming from the countries of the hinterland and internally.


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