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Laboratory tests confirm that Frozy refrigerant is not harmful to health

The results of laboratory tests on samples of Frozy, a soft drink produced in Mozambique, show that the product does not contain any harmful ingredients, according to the director of the National Institute for Standardization and Quality (INNOQ), Alfredo Sitoe, in Maputo Monday .
According to Sitoe, the tests were carried out by the Ministry of Health, after the Malawian authorities decided to ban the commercialization of that soda in that neighboring country, for allegedly having a high content of citric acid.
In fact, the Mozambican government, after a Council of Ministers meeting held in November last year, guaranteed that the product was not harmful to health.
Examinations carried out at the time indicated that the product had a citric acid content of 0.1 to 0.5 mg / 100 ml. "The Ministry of Health did the laboratory tests and concluded that there was no problem with the product. As a way for the country to obtain the absolute assurance that, in fact, there are no problems, the sample was collected and sent to laboratory tests outside the country. "These tests also confirmed that the product was good," Sitoe said.
The director of INNOQ also said that the results were sent to Malawi, who also decided to send another team to Mozambique to collect samples of the product. "At the end of December, Malawi sent a technician who collected samples of 13 flavors. They went through the tests and they confirmed that the product is not harmful to health, "Sitoe said.
However, the Malawi Bureau of Standards required the company to affix a label in English or Chichewa (local language) in accordance with the laws of the country.
According to the source, the company Frozy promised to do the label until April 20 this year. "Unfortunately, we have never received any official response from the Malawi Bureau of Standards. We were waiting for an official response because the initial said that the product could enter Malawi by putting a label in English and indicating the distributor in English or Chichewa, "he said.
Frozy, according to Sitoe, says it has never exported the product to Malawi, so it believes that the product may have entered the country illegally.
posted from Bloggeroid


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