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Renamo brigades promote awareness campaigns for the return of displaced persons

Several brigades linked to the Renamo party are involved in campaigns to raise awareness among the people of four districts in the central province of Zambézia, displaced due to military hostilities, to return to their areas of origin and resume their productive activities.
According to the Renamo political delegate in Zambézia, Abdala Ossifo, quoted by AIM, the sensitization targets the districts of Mopeia, Morrumbala, Dere and Gurúè.
Likewise, the Renamo political delegates in these same districts, who lived in hiding places, are returning to political work.
According to Ossifo, the return of Renamo district delegates to their activities is clear proof that the truce has come to stay.
President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, and Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama reached understandings that culminated in the suspension of hostilities for two months after a seven-day truce.
The present suspension of hostilities, which will last until 4 March this year, aims to create a favorable environment for "speeding up" the political dialogue, the aim of which is to achieve effective and lasting peace.
However, for a peaceful coexistence nationwide, Ossifo underlined the need for Mozambican society to "reform minds."
"From the top, we must begin to reform our minds. Because we are all brothers and we think that the truce benefits the entire Mozambican people. There are no military columns anymore and people travel from one point to another at will. This is good for all Mozambicans, because war does not solve anything, "said Ossifo.
The actions promoted in Zambézia are being replicated a little by all the provinces of the country that were the scene of acts of armed confrontation during the political-military tension, namely Sofala, Manica and Tete.
The first offensive was launched about two weeks ago in the province of Sofala at a meeting between a delegation of the largest opposition party and the government of that province. On the occasion, Renamo announced the resumption of political activities in all of the party's delegations at the Sofala level.
The Sofala government expressed its readiness to ensure that all political parties work safely, ensuring that "there is room for all"
posted from Bloggeroid


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