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At risk. Communities in riverside areas of the Maputo, Umbelúzi and Incomati rivers

   Radio Mozambique

 National Directorate for Water Resources Management warns communities residing in the riverside areas of the Maputo, Umbelúzi and Incomáti rivers, for the risk of flooding or floods, starting next October.

The alert follows the high level of water stored in the main water retention infrastructure in Maputo province as well as in upstream countries, namely South Africa and Eswatini.

The head of the Department of Hydrographic Basins, Agostinho Vilanculos, said that at the moment, the Pequenos Libombos and Corrumana dams have levels of up to eighty percent of water intake, a fact that could dictate runoff in the upcoming rainy season.

"This period is a little worrying because we have to take some measures in the next few days, depending on what will be the evolution, at least in the first fifteen days of October, which officially starts the rainy season", he said.

The head of the Department of Hydrographic Basins appeals to the communities residing on the banks of the Maputo, Umbelúzi and Incomáti rivers to take precautionary measures, given the risk associated with the approaching rainy season. (RM) Source: Radio Mozambique


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