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Gaza. Budget suspension for municipalities affects works by Xai-Xai municipality

The suspension of the budget approved this year for the Municipalities by the Road Fund is making the rehabilitation and paving of some access roads in the Xai-Xai municipality unfeasible.

A little over thirteen million meticais should be received from the City Hall from the Road Fund for the paving of five hundred meters of the road that gives access to Praia de Chongoene, departing from the tourist area of ​​Praia de Xai-Xai.

The mayor of Xai-Xai, Emídio Xavier, said that the rise in fuel costs and the removal of some tax charges that reverted to the Road Fund dictated the suspension of the budget that was intended for the municipalities.

Emídio Xavier made it known that given the scenario, negotiations are taking place with the central bodies to unblock the situation that affects all municipalities in the province of Gaza. (RM)


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