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Mozambique wants to increase electricity production capacity

By next year, Mozambique will increase its capacity for domestic production of electricity and supply to South Africa.

The initiative aims, in part, to respond to the energy crisis in that neighboring country.

 This could result in the installation of a thermal power station in the Beluluane Industrial Park, in the district of Boane, with a production capacity of two thousand megawatts, equivalent to the capacity of the Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Power Plant.   

The infrastructure, valued at US$2.8 billion, will comprise a gasification plant, to be installed in the port of Matola, with a pipeline for transporting gas to neighboring South Africa and a branch to the Beluluane Thermal Power Plant. .

The director general of MozParks, Honório Boane explains that with the Beluluane power station, the conditions will be created for the development of the second phase of the project to expand the Industrial Park and the consequent attraction of more industrial investments to the country. (RM)


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