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Mozambique:Road accidents .More than 17 lost in a week.

   Photo courtesy of Notícias

 Mozambique, at least 17 people lost their lives in road accidents over the past week, and another 50 were injured, 17 of them seriously.

A press release issued yesterday by the General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) indicates that the damage resulted from 14 accidents, of which seven were run-overs and four attributed to skidding and overturning.

Excessive speed and irregular overtaking were cited as the main cause of the accidents.

Meanwhile, during road inspection activities, 38 individuals were arrested for driving illegally and 60 for attempted corruption.

A further 104 crimes were reported during the past week, of which 93 have already been clarified, corresponding to 89% positive police performance.

Source: Noticias


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