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Administrations of Mozambique Railways, Zambia Zimbabwe, Association of Trans carriers Rail in Southern Africa discuss discuss better strategies and solutions

Administrations of Mozambique Railways, Zambia and Zimbabwe as well as the Association of Trans carriers Rail in Southern Africa, have been discussing since yesterday in the port city of Beira, the mechanisms to monetize the rail lines linking the three countries, looking for potential and prime location of the Port of Beira to facilitate the flow of products using an international express train. With this initiative, it is intended to recapture the traffic of highways to the railways, without creating, however, damage to the road transport of cargo and passengers. According to the CEO of Mozambique Railways, Victor Gomes, "what we want is to bring, for example, the Zambian copper downwards and transporting fertilizer towards the descendant. This train is intended to leave Zambia and go about 2000 kilometers without unnecessary stops towards the Port of Beira. Here should be created all conditions for goods to be unloaded and transported, from the train to the ship and vice versa easily".


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