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PRM IN THE CITY OF MAPUTO : 671 agents fired for crimes and indiscipline

SIX HUNDRED seventy-one agents assigned to the Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) in Maputo were expelled from the ranks over the past five years for indiscipline and involvementin criminal acts. Among the offenders, seventeen were removed from the corporation for alleged involvement in kidnappings and abductions. The data was presented yesterday in Maputo, the Board of PRM in the capital, as a motto to justify the introduction of a new selection and recruitment of candidates for admission to the corporation. The idea, according to data collected is to refuse entry into the police of individuals with criminal records. Recognizing be flaws in the selection process and recruitment of candidates for members of the PRM, the Commander- General decided to make changes in the process and introduce new measures in force since yesterday, and the city of Maputo has been the scene of the first seminar for the dissemination of the new regulation . The 17 agents expelled from the corporationwerearrested and held accountable criminal for their involvement in kidnappings (12) and kidnappings (5), with many to meet the maximum sentence. The five cases of kidnappings involving the police were all reported in 2014. In 2013 and 2014 were recorded four cases of police involvement in kidnappings, in 2012 having been reported two cases. Total expelled agents refers to the period since 2011 and the first half of this year, of which 249 were involved in criminal offenses and 422 for disciplinary cases. In all, in 2011 90 cases were reported; in 2012 110 In 2013 the number rose to 142 ,in 2014 it continued to shoot and were recorded and 229 .In the first half of this year was recorded 100 cases of disciplinary and criminal offenses. In terms of crimes out of 671 agents 75 were expelled for extortion theft (53), qualified and simple theft (16), voluntary and involuntary manslaughter (13), threat using a firearm (1), injuries (6 ), gun loss (11), rape (1), abuse of authority (5) and bodily injury (9). Were also expelled for false imprisonment crimes (1), abandonment of place(58), fraud (21), post abandonment (127), bribery (3) removal of prisoners (16), absences from service (72) diversion of seized goods (10), criminal cases involving loss (6), abduction simulation (1), illegal steps (9), alcohol consumption (22), negligence (3), disobedience (20), among other crimes and irregularities. To the commander of the PRM in Maputo, Rafael Bernardino, it is believed that with the effective implementation of the new rules of selection and recruitment and other similar cases will not have space. He said the infiltrators and citizens with criminal tendencies will be filtered with the new process, a fact seen as crucial to change the corporate image. "We want the new process to prevent people from entering PRM for the purpose of supporting crimes or to commit crimes. We do not admit criminals. We will collect candidate's behavior information and give appropriate follow-up. The system failed to recruit 671 agentsexpelled but on the other hand, the system itself was responsible to fix and cast them out. They were harmful to the organization and were expelled. Many are serving prison sentences. This time we want to be careful by effeciently collecting information about those who have applied to join the police force. The secretary of the district, the head of the 10 houses, the candidate's neighbors and the family itself will be called to rule on those wishing to enter the corporation, "said the commandant of police


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