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Afonso Dhlakama's residence in Beira now surrounded by an army

More than 30 elements of riot police and Brigade of Special operations heavily armed. Noone passes through the four streets that delimite the residence of the lider of Renamo. There are reports of Renamo guards who have been arrested.Afonso Dhlakama came out of hiding from the Gorongosa bush yesterday.It is not yet clear why his house has been surrounded by heavily armed forces.One thing is clear though:Afonso Dhlakama wants peace,but the gorvenment is not so keen on yielding to the Democratic demands of this father of democracy who stands for the Mozambican people.In an interview with Journalists Gorongoza yesteday soon after he came out of hiding Afonso Dhlakama said that he is not afraid to die for his course as the spokesman for the Mozambican people.''If I give up the fight you will become slaves,more than slaves indeed.I want to tell you today that I,Afonso Dhlakama will never stop fighting for you'',he said to the cheering masses who had come to meet him in Gorongosa on his way to his residence in Beira.
The presdent of Renamo is supposed to meet with the presdent,Mr Filipe Nyussi to discuss matters of peace in Mozambique.Mozambicans are living in a period of great uncertainity since the contested elections of October last year.Renamo wants to rule in all the provinces of the country in which it won the elections.In short Renamo wants greater inclusion in the armed forces as well as in the gorvenment
in general.


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