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Annual 12 km athletics race realised in Songo,Cahora Bassa

THE RACE IS TO COMMEMORATE THE REVERSAL of Hidroelectrica de Cahora Bassa's ownership.The HCB power plant once was the property of the Portuguese government.

Ownership of the Cahora Bassa dam on the Zambezi river was transferred from Portuguese control to Mozambican hands at a ceremony witnessed on 27 November 2007 by five southern African heads of state and government.

The reversal of HCB to Mozambique reflects an indelible landmark for Mozambicans, leaving out the idea of ​​complete independence.In terms of the economy, HCB is a valuable tool in line with government policies for the country’s economic growth and development.

The winners of this year's race received bycles,motorbikes and fridges.

It must be highlighted that HCB is the largest enterprise largely owned by the State and is already producing results never achieved by other public holdings .


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