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Mozambique: Displacement Tracking Matrix – Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) Report: No. 170 / (10 – 16 August 2022)

During the reporting period (10 to 16 August 2022), a total of 76 movements were recorded – 49 arrivals (12,234 individuals), 15 departures (272 individuals), 11 returns (1,094 individuals), and 1 transit (54 individuals). 

The largest arrival movements were recorded in Metuge (11,304 individuals), Macomia (271 individuals), and Meluco (202 individuals). 

The largest departure movements were recorded in Nangade (170 individuals). 

The largest return movement was observed in Palma (672 individuals) and Quissanga (378 individuals). The only transit movement was observed in Mueda (54 individuals). Of the total population, 3 per cent of mobile groups were displaced for the first time, and 86 per cent for a second time.


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