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Three dead, two injured after serious mine collapse in the center of Mozambique

Three people died and two were seriously injured as result of the collapse of a mine today in Gile, center of Mozambique.The same mine had been vandalized a week ago by the population, a source of the district government told LUSA news.

According to Francisco Cinquenta, the District Service Economic Activities in Gile,Zambezia province, it is possible that more people may have been buried when they sought and tantalite tourmalines in the Muiane lot, after the abandonment of the mine by Tantalum Mining in consequence of the recent riots .

"The Muiane lot is sandy and,when they opened there in the grotto inside, it came down and fell, and in that time three died and two were injured, "described to Lusa Francisco Cinquenta, adding that the bodies of these unfortunate one have been claimed by their pfamilies, which suggests that are from Gilé.

According to a district authority, the population itself began operations to search for other possible victims, using picks and shovels because the machines the company which operated the mine used were burned in the actions of vandalism that took place at that mine a few years ago.


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