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Moatize-Nacala: transporting coal to start shortly

                                         coal mining in mozambique

Coal transport by train begins to circulate shortly,the railway new line,which connects the regions of Moatize,in Tete province and the port of Nacala,in Nampula,assured this Saturday AIM,the provincial director of Transport and Communications,Romeo Sandoca.

Sandoca explained that everything is ready for the start of coal transport produced in Tete province,because the railway line is fit to do so,after having been inspected and tested last November,when the first batch of this ore was transported from Moatize to the Port of Nacala.

Testing and inspection were made by four locomotives that engaged 120 cars on that line,which has an extension of 902 kilometers,said the provincial director for Transport and Communications in Tete.

That new railway line,which runs through neighboring Malawi,was built by the mining company Vale Mozambique,in order to increase the transport capacity of that ore, which is currently transported to the port of Beira,where part to the
outside through the Sena line which has a length of more than 570 kilometers. It is forecast that the transport of coal to Nacala start this January,because the line is ready, as it has been inspected and just to see,in November 2015, Vale made the delivery of the first batch of coal said,Romeo Sandoca.

According to the source,within reign of users,Vale Mozambique, many expectations because this multinational has already increased its flow capacity of the coal.

He added that the line will also serve other mining companies that extract and export coal,which currently use the Sena line,a railroad that is also used by the business owner Mozambique Railways (CFM) for transporting other cargo and passengers.

Currently,active coal Exports from Tete besides Vale Mozambique,especially ICVL (formerly Rio Tinto) Jindal and Africa.The first two companies have their mining in Moatize district, and the third and final extracts the ore in the new Marara District, before belonging to the Changara district.

For the Government of Tete,the expected commissioning of the new railway line will be an asset,because coal is the product that stands out most in that province,in terms of production volumes,and becomes also one that contributes most to the state coffers in monetary terms.This is the reason that multinationals are betting on its extraction,despite the price that ore has registered by falling in the international market,the source said.
Recently disclosed information by the Executive in Tete indicate that this province got last year growth estimated at 8.5 percent, to collect all 58 million meticais to the state treasury.In 2014, global production was 46 million meticais.

In the two years compared, the mining industry has always stood at
the fore front.For example,in 2015 the contribution of the production of coal for the economy of Tete province was about 50 percent.


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