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Police gathered to define strategies to combat cross-border organized crime

Crime in SADC

Dozens of experts from various branches of the police of the community member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are gathered since yesterday in the city of Maputo, for the extraordinary Regional Organization meeting of the Police of Southern Africa (SARPCCO), to plot Strategies to combat cross-border organized crime.

Among the major crimes that plague SADC countries, include kidnappings, drug trafficking and human trafficking and luxury car theft, as revealed at the event yesterday. And to address these and other cross-border crimes, experts of the police in the region argue, in Maputo, the best strategies.

During the opening ceremony, the deputy commander general of PRM, Jose Weng San, defended the need for ongoing information sharing between SADC countries for the success of the fight against crime. Weng San emphasized the need for police readiness to ensure security and public tranquility. Incidentally, in this respect, with regard to Mozambique, Weng San said the country has tended to reduce crime, though slightly.
posted from Bloggeroid


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