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Thousands of students fail enrollment by helping parents on the farm

Manica province failed to target enrollment for this school year ,to enroll 51,683 students, about half of the scheduled number.Many Students of 1st; 6th; 8th and 11th grades are at risk of not attending school for not having registered.

Of these, the bulk goes to 25,508 children who are in danger of not attending the 1st class because their parents and guardians have abdicated the education enrollment process, causing the minors to help till the land.

It is estimated that 91,038 students were enrolled in grade 1, only it was possible to enroll 65,530 children. The problem, according to the provincial director of the sector, Stephen Rupela, quoted by the Mozambique News Agency (AIM), was due to the need of children for agricultural production.

posted from Bloggeroid


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