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Border posts in Ressano Garcia,the southern province of Maputo, recorded their highest-ever rate of entry and exit of nationals and foreigners during the festive season. According to figures released today in Maputo by the National Migration Service(SENAMI), the border post recorded 333,045 persons
entering and leaving the country in the period from December 11 to last Sunday. The borders at Machipanda and Cuchamano in Manica and Tete with Zimbabwe registered 22,172 and 16,581 crossings respectively.

 The border with Malawi at Zóbwè in Tete recorded 10,222, while Maputo International Airport had 18,481. The border post at Golden Point
at the southernmost tip of the country with the South African province of KwaZulu Natal was the least busy, with only 2,791 entries and exits registered. According to the head of the Office of Public Relations of SENAMI, Lúcio Rosa, the country had about 500,000 entries and exits overall between locals and

Foreign visitors over the festive season included 67,790 South Africans, 45 000
Malawians and 28,778 Zimbabweans. Taking into account the concerns of Mozambican workers in South Africa,especially miners, SENAMI has
promised to redouble its efforts to speed up the replacement of passports to enable their timely return to their jobs. Increased efficiency at borders
is ensuring the rapid replacement of passports with SENAMI issuing 5,980 passports during the period and replacing 19,522 passports with the new biometric version, which has particulars to distinguish miners, seasonal workers and other citizens. Overall, SENAMI has been able to legalize the situation of more than 14,000 Mozambicans living and working in South Africa.


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