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MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPORT ON FESTIVE SEASON shows that rape is on the rise.

The Ministry of Health says the festive season was characterized by a calm and
peaceful environment,the level of incidents recorded in all health facilities in the country. 

During the reference period,there was a reduction of about 5 percent of trauma
cases, compared to the same period 2014 / 2015.During the festive season of Christmas and New-Year, the Ministry of Health recorded 130 cases of rape,half of which were against minor victims of 14 years.

The Health Minister Nazira Abdula was speaking on Monday in Maputo, at a press conference for the balance of the festive season,she explained that
almost all the country's hospitals were able to meet demand for their services. Regarding  pyrotechnic objects, Abdullah said Nazira 31 cases were
registered,which represents a reduction of about seventy-two percent. 

The Health Minister Nazira Abdula, said that all facilities during the holidays of Christmas and New Year's Eve, were at the height of responding to all requests for blood,for road accident and other incidents.However,the Ministry of Health is concerned about increasing cases of rape,that have occurred since the
festive period 2014 / 2015.About 2,016 people were injured in road accidents during the transition to 2016


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