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Undeclared cash in South Africa: General Command of PRM predicts dentetion of more individuals involved

The General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) announced yesterday sending a team of investigators to neighboring South Africa,to closely monitor the ongoing investigations surrounding the case of millions of dollars, euros and dollars in the possession of two Mozambicans held in that country.

The team in question is also questioning the two arrested individuals in the custody of the South African police.

Following that interrogation spokesman for the general command of PRM, Inácio Dina,said yesterday that there is a greater possibility within the coming days,for more arrests nationwide of more indivuduals involved in the case.

Even without revealing many details allegedly not to obstruct the process of investgation,Dina said that the detainees have some references that may culminate in the identification of other parties involved in the transport of undeclared cash


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