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Swedish support for safe abortion

The Swedish government and the international NGO Ipas, which works around the globe to support the sexual and reproductive rights of women, are now collaborating to ensure the access of Mozambican women and girls to safe abortion and contraception services.
According to a press release from the Swedish embassy, this programme began last December and will run until December 2019. Sweden is contributing about US$5 million to the programme.
It is intended to increase the knowledge, opportunities and capacities of women and girls to take informed and safe decisions about abortion and contraception.
In Mozambique, Ipas works with the Ministry of Health and is a member of the Ministry’s Technical Group on Abortion, which is developing norms and directives for the provision of comprehensive abortion services.
Abortion was decriminalised under the new Penal Code, approved by the Mozambican parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, in 2014.
The Ministry of Health estimates that about 11 per cent of all maternal mortality in Mozambique is due to unsafe, clandestine abortions.
The Swedish release notes that currently, safe abortion services are only available in the urban areas of southern Mozambique. So the programme supported by Sweden will focus on the northern province of Nampula, and on Zambezia in the centre of the county, where there is little or no abortion service. Between them, these two provinces account for about 40 per cent of the Mozambican population. But they have some of the worst sexual and reproductive health indicators in the country.
Sexual and reproductive rights “are fundamental human rights for attaining gender equality, poverty reduction and sustainable development”, declared Swedish ambassador Irina Schoulgin Nyoni. “This support is a fundamental part of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy”.

Source: AIM

posted from Bloggeroid


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