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Cabo Delgado. 16 individuals who lived with terrorists turn themselves in to authorities

Sixteen individuals, who lived in captivity of terrorists, surrendered to the authorities, last week, in Cabo Delgado.

The fact occurs, a week after the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, announced in the municipal town of Mocímboa da Praia, pardon for those who voluntarily surrender to the authorities or the Defense and Security Forces.

General Commander of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), Bernardino Rafael, is the one who shared the information, this Wednesday, in a brief meeting with the population at the headquarters of the administrative post of Bilibiza, in the district of Quissanga.
"In Mocímboa da Praia they have already started to return to their homes",  he appealed.
Sixteen people who have been in the hands of terrorists have already returned, including guerrillas, terrorists themselves,” he said.

 Bernardino Rafael took the opportunity to reinforce the appeal of the Head of State.

“Those who have gone into hiding and are afraid to come out can come out at will. We will receive them, with orders from our commander-in-chief," he said.

The General Commander of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, in addition to Bilibiza, was in the village of Natugo, which was the target of a terrorist attack on the 25th of this month, to find out about the damage.

Yesterday, the Commander-General of the PRM presented to the population of the district of Quissanga, four terrorists captured by the Defense and Security Forces.     

Among those captured is an individual who was dedicated to the recruitment and radicalization of citizens.  Rádio Moçambique 


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