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Mozambique -Thailand Trading Partnership

The Mozambican Chamber of Commerce (CCM) recently met the ambassador of Thailand, Soradjak Puranasamriddhi, with the aim of establishing trade partnerships.

President of the Mozambican Chamber of Commerce, Álvaro Massingue, said that the CCM was the means by which Mozambican and Thai businesspeople could best connect.

“We are available to cooperate with and provide support to [Thai] entrepreneurs who want to invest in Mozambique, in various sectors, especially the agricultural sector and processing technologies,” he said.

With prospects for substantial bilateral business in view, the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding that includes the transfer of Thai rice production technology to Gaza province and the continuation of aquaculture projects already being implemented in various parts of the country.

“The partnership will help us to implement the agriculture projects promoted by the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce and Investment (CCMI) in Chockwé, Gaza province,” Massingue stressed.

In turn, the Thai ambassador said he was open to cooperating with the CCM and its financial arm, promoting investment in the national market through business missions, revitalising the export of goods and services by Mozambican businesspeople, and attracting new foreign investment.


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