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CNE analyzes complaint about the selection of the new director-general of STAE

photo credit:O paisThe CNE Legal Committee is analyzing the complaint submitted on the selection of the new director general of STAE.

 The information was advanced this Thursday by the President of the institution, Carlos Matsinhe, however, he did not reveal the name of the entity that submitted the complaint.

It was through an order that the National Elections Commission decided to cancel the inauguration of Loló Correia as the new director general of STAE. This Thursday, the president of  CNE said that the case is in the hands of the institution's legal commission.

“There was a complaint about the candidacy process and decisions surrounding the jury report and we are following the process”, said Carlos Matsinhe.

About the claimant, Matsinhe declined to comment.

The selection of the new president of STAE by public competition did not reach consensus among the six names presented by the jury, which forced the choice of this one through a vote.

Loló Correia was the provincial director of STAE in Tete, he was elected with 10 votes, against 7 for Helena Garrine, current national director of Training and Civic Education at the organ.

The elected replaced Felisberto Naife who held the position for more than 15 years. Correia directed the electoral processes for the 2018 local elections and the 2019 general elections.


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