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Twelfth FRELIMO Congress kicks off.

Photo credit: Radio MozambiqueAbout 2,000 people, including delegates and guests, will participate as of this Friday, in the Twelfth Frelimo Congress, to be held at the Frelimo Central School, Matola city, Maputo province.

, fifteen hundred are delegates and the remaining five hundred are invited to the Twelfth Congress.

Frelimo's Secretary General, Roque Silva, justified, at a press conference, that the small number of participants results from the observance of preventive measures against covid-19.

“Because of the covid-19 situation, which is still a reality in the country and in the world, about fifteen hundred will be delegates.

 Of the 500 guests, we want to highlight those coming from 24 friendly parties and organizations from other corners of the world, that is, foreign guests. 

The fundamental agenda has to do with the approval of instruments that will guide the Party over the next five years, the election of a new Central Committee, this Central Committee that will be responsible for electing the General Secretary, the new Central Committee Secretariat and the new Verification Committee”, he said.

On the occasion, the Frelimo Secretary General assured that the conditions were in place for the start of the twelfth Frelimo Congress, to take place from this Friday until the 28th of September.

Party spokesman Caifadine Manasse says that Frelimo is holding the twelfth Congress to address the concerns of Mozambicans.

“We can say that we are doing well, as a political party, but we need to continue working to increasingly meet the expectations of Mozambicans. 

Because we will only be satisfied as Frelimo, when every Mozambican wakes up in the morning and has bread, has cassava, has sweet potatoes, has something to eat and is healthy, then yes, we will all be happy and say yes, we have arrived! ”, he stated. (RM)


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