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New equipment increases handling capacity at Port of Beira – Notícias

File photo: Notícias

The port of Beira has substantially increased its cargo handling capacity, as well as reinforcing safety, with the acquisition of new equipment valued at US$10 million.

Jan Laurens de Vries, Chief Executive Officer of Cornelder de Moçambique, which manages the Beira port complex, announced that the port’s cranes had been modernised with the installation of the ‘C-Gate’ computer system, which is already boosting the competitiveness of the Beira Development Corridor.

The process, he explained, permits the real-time automation of access control for trucks, as well as the registration of the drivers, vehicles and containers which routinely access the container terminal.

This project, whose ultimate goal is total automation, is still in its first stages, de Vries said.

Source: Notícias


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