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Niassa Province experienses surge in tourists.

More than twenty-two thousand national and foreign tourists visited the province of Niassa in the first eight months of this year. 

This number represents an increase in relation to the more than thirteen thousand who visited this region in the same period last year.

 The data was presented this Tuesday in Lichinga by the director of the Niassa Governor's Office, Mauro Pius, at the end of the World Tourism Week. 

Mauro Pius said that the increase in the number of tourists is due to the slowdown in preventive measures against covid-19. In his words, tourists preferred the beaches of Lake Niassa, conservation areas and historical places. 

On the occasion, Mauro Pius reiterated that the province of Niassa has favorable conditions for the various forms of tourism. This year, World Tourism Week was celebrated under the motto “Thinking about Tourism


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