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Cimentos da Beira supplies cement beyond borders

Cimentos da Beira announced a few days ago that it is already selling its product in some markets in Southern Africa,notably Zimbabwe and Malawi.Of British and South African capital,the factory was opened last October and has a capacity to produce 800,000 tons per year.

At the beginning of its operations the unit already had 40,000 tons of"clinker" in stock.For the realization of the project was invested over 45 million US dollars,enabling compliance with the essential requirements for a gender industry,including nstallation of filters to reduce dust.The starting of the production unit,which currently employs 70 workers,was tested successfully after the substation which ensures the supply of electrical energy.

The Director-General of that factory located in the area of ​​Munhava in the city of Beira,in Sofala,Wouter Trollip explained that due to the quality of the product ,it quickly found a place in  in the SADC. Mário Dinis,Commercial Director of Cimentos da Beira,said,meanwhile, that after the start of the production process the company went into a market assessment and concluded that there are favorable conditions for fair competition.

With that unit into operation,the Sofala province now has three cement factories,
particularly Cimentos de Mozambique, which has been  operating for many years with Portuguese investment, and Southern Cement, an Austrian capital investment both located in Dondo and Cimentos da Beira. 

Contrary to what happens elsewhere in the country, the price of cement in Sofala is stabilized, and the average price is 250 meticais,against the previous 450 meticais per 50 kilo bag. As one of the impacts that, the center of the country is virtually flooded with domestically produced cement,which favors the construction sector.

 Recently, the Prime minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosario,visited Cimentos da Beira, which called on workers,especially domestic, to demonstrate the work culture in the company. He explained that the investor chose Mozambique, in the midst of many countries,testifiying to the fact that the residents of the provincial capital of Sofala are honest,disciplined and humble,so the invvalue this option for Mozambique in general and the city border, in particular. (RM-Sofala)


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