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New repeater transmitter installed in Morrumbala

The governor of Zambezia said Monday in Morrumbala that the inauguration of the Provincial repeater transmitter signal will galvanize access to information and popularize the development strategies and national unity. 

Abdul Razka spoke at a rally after thebinauguration of the first repeater of Zambezia provincial Issuer Sign, installed in Morrumbala district.According to that ruling, the more than five hundred thousand beneficiaries of the repeater's Morrumbala district,Mopeia, Milange, Nicoadala, Derre, Mutarara, Marromeu and
Sange in Malawi will have information on culture, health,politics, education, sports and state time, with greater speedand quality. 

The president of the board of Radio Mozambique Faruco Sadique,said in turn that then installation of a repeater inbMorrumbala part of thepackage of projects that aim to put the signal to more than sixmillion people in forty districtsof the Zambezi valley.However, some participants o fthe rally said that the implementation of the Zambezia provincial repeater transmitter signal will increasebthe information published by that station on various activities of society.



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