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Mozambique to export Avocado pears to

avocados in mozambique
The province of Manica will export avocado pear produced in Mozambique to the international market, with emphasis on France, said Westfalia consultant Manuel Roriz, quoted by the Mozambican Information Agency.

The first 400-ton batch may leave the country bound for France by the end of next month. Westfalia is an agricultural company operating in the province of Manica two years ago, occupying an area of ​​about 250 hectares.

Roriz, who announced the fact during the visit of the governor of the province of Manica, Alberto Mondlane, explained that, for this purpose, Westfalia invested in the first phase around 480 thousand dollars. The plan, according to the source, is to sell the fruit to other European countries, and for that, work is underway to obtain the certificate of export to other countries, including Africans. "The first exit is scheduled for the end of March. We are processing the fruit. We are also waiting for a visit from South Africa to inspect the fruit. Then we will open to the South African market. We intend to increase production areas. We will open new fields in other areas of Manica. Our record will be in 2021, when we expect to export seven thousand tons, "Roriz said.
The governor of the province of Manica expressed his satisfaction with the project, stating that the company, although new, is working for its growth. "We have seen that even though the company is starting, everything is done for its growth. It is a firm that gives us much hope of growth. It is time for Mozambique to appear on the map of producer and exporter of fruit, "said the governor.

posted from Bloggeroid


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