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Teacher assaults nurse in Chimoio

A teacher has been detained accused of having beaten a nurse, allegedly because he has been slow to attend to his son.

The case occurred last night at the Provincial Hospital of Chimoio. Ilager Ernesto, the nurse, suffered a stroke in the middle of the day. "I went away to fetch the gloves so I could take care of the sick. Suddenly, the patient's father hit me. I did not react, I was surprised by the attitude", explained the nurse.

The assailant says that he opted for violence in total despair because the nurse was slow in attending. "I asked him to come and see me, and the nurse started to laugh at me, taking a long time without answering me. I approached him, took his arm away. I beat him in response to the aggression he had started, "said the accused, Carlos Aníbal Alfredo. One of the nurses in service at the time, Isaura Geraldo, confirms the beating scene at the Chimoio provincial hospital, involving her colleague and the teacher. "We heard a noise. First we thought he was one of the mentally ill who usually go to the hospital. I went there and found that my colleague was being beaten. The teacher's son was already being treated when I came to the rescue of my colleague, "said the nurse. The case went to the police and the teacher can not carry out his duties, because he is detained. This is the second case of beating nurses at the Provincial Hospital of Chimoio, in less than a month for alleged poor care.

posted from Bloggeroid


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