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Nampula-Cholera deaths out of hospital

Number of cases shows a downward trend in recent days

The Health Department in Nampula admits the possibility of extrahospital deaths, especially in communities far from administrative posts in Netia, Mecuco, Monapo district and Namialo , In Meconta district, where a cholera outbreak has been reported.

The provincial chief health officer in Nampula, Suleimane Isidoro, explains that cholera was confirmed in February, with a worsening on days 14 and 15, when an average of 23 and 29 were admitted admitted to the cholera treatment centers (CTC) ) suffering from that disease.

Initially, the populations believed that they were simple cases of diarrheal diseases. But later, the diagnoses would confirm that it was cholera. "We decided to do searches in the neighborhoods, because the community said, someone died of diarrhoea in this and in that house. As a consequence, we have increased the number of cases of cholera, which suggests that they should be those cases that were in the neighborhoods that, unfortunately, were not taken to the health units, "said Isidoro. He explained that, therefore, it is not possible to rule out the possibility of deaths outside hospitals. He said that, fortunately, there is no record of fatalities in health units. The source reveals that, overall, the number of cases shows a decreasing trend over the last few days. According to the records, up to this moment 13 people are hospitalized, 12 in Netia and one in the Namialo health center. Health is already mobilizing communities on the importance of personal and collective hygiene, water treatment for consumption using cleansing products such as "Certeza" and "Chlorine", which are being distributed free of charge in the health units. "There is a certain relationship of cases of cholera with the conditions of life that the populations are having, mainly, as far as the water supply is concerned."

posted from Bloggeroid


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