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XII Frelimo Congress debates revision of Party statutes

Debates on the revision of the statutes of the Frelimo party will mark, this Saturday, the work of the XII congress of this political formation that has been taking place since yesterday in Matola, Maputo province.

Yesterday, at the opening of Frelimo's major meeting, the party's president, Filipe Nyusi, said that the congress should, among other matters, address questions about the consolidation of National Unity and the defense of sovereignty.

“We have to outline in this congress the concrete and feasible mechanisms of how to continue to keep our sovereignty intact so that we remain owners of our sovereignty and our wealth, the consolidation of the democratic rule of law based on a condition that enshrines and guarantees quality of rights and duties for all citizens, without any type of discrimination, should deserve our attention, with a focus on fighting corruption, crime, nepotism, tribalism and other acts that undermine prestige, ethics and public integrity”, he said. .  

The agenda for the second day of this great Frelimo meeting also includes that the congressmen will continue with the debate on the report of the Central Committee to the Twelfth Congress. (RM)


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