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“Bank of Mozambique must find solutions against the violation of banking secrecy” -António Niquice

The Assembly of the Republic's Planning and Budget Commission demands that the Bank of Mozambique quickly find solutions against violations of bank secrecy.

Parliamentarians understand that the lack of bank secrecy is one of the aspects that have proliferated kidnappings, as the kidnappers have information about the monetary values ​​available in the victims' accounts.

The President of the Planning and Budget Commission, António Niquice, wants to see those linked to the banking system that have provided the victims' data accountable. 

The President of the Planning and Budget Commission, António Niquice, was speaking this Thursday, in Maputo, in consultation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the proposed Law on bank accounts, which proposes the creation of a Single Bank Identification Number, NUIB. . (RM)


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