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Niassa. Spread of the cholera outbreak

The cholera outbreak in the headquarters of the administrative post of Cobwè, district of Lago, is already spreading to other regions of the district.

 The director of the Provincial Health Services, in Niassa, said that there is a record of cases of this disease in the Ngofi region, along the shores of Lake Niassa.

José Manuel, who was speaking this Friday at the opening of the First Scientific Health Days taking place at the Lichinga Provincial Hospital, considered the situation to be worrying and appeals to the communities to scrupulously comply with the basic rules of hygiene and sanitation.

On the other hand, the director of the Provincial Health Services challenged the participants of the Scientific Health Days to investigate pathologies that endanger human health, with emphasis on trauma, non-communicable diseases, in addition to presenting solutions for the mitigation of cholera.

The director of the provincial health services in Niassa said that the government will continue to give unconditional support to researchers of various pathologies that endanger human health in Niassa province. (RM)  


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